Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Big news for Laura and Tony's!

If you've been to Laura and Tony's Kitchen recently, you may have seen our awesome new rack cards! They look so great, we just had to thank our graphic designer, Darren Wotherspoon Design, for his fantastic work! We've been getting compliments on it ever since we got them, and we think they really capture the spirit of fresh food and fantastic environment that defines Laura and Tony's! Darren is a local artist who has gotten international recognition, and we could not be happier with the work he's done for us. Come in, check out his work, and try some of our fantastic buffet while you're at it! 

But that isn't all!  Hopefully by now you've heard our new radio ad. My niece Lauren makes an appearance, and we show that this family friendly restaurant has a fantastic atmosphere, great prices, and more food in our buffet than you could ever want! We had a ton of fun making it, and we hope you have just as much fun hearing it. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Laura's Famous Bagel Recipe!

At Laura and Tony's restaurant, we are proud participants of the slow food movement. We make food with fresh ingredients, and we give it the time and care it needs to become the absolute best. As a result, we get a lot of interest from customers who want a taste of Laura and Tony's Kitchen at home. We hope that the recipe serves you as well as it serves us, and come in to let us know how it turns our for you!

Laura's Bagels
Starter: Let sit for 2 hours
4c all purpose flour
1 tsp yeast
21/2 water room temp

For the dough- add to the starter
1tsp yeast
3 3/4 flour
1 tbsp sugar
Let dough stand at room temp for 20 minutes, and then put on a sheet tray. Cover with plastic and let it rise in the refrigerator overnight .

To finish, fill a heavy metal pot half with water and add 2 tbsp baking soda, then bring to a boil. Take the dough and cut it into 12 pieces. Roll these pieces into a ball then pierce with thumb and shape them - place in boiling water for 2 minutes for a chewy textured bagel. Remove from water and place on a greased sheet tray( if you want to add a topping like sesame seeds or poppy seeds do so while bagels are still wet ). Place in a preheated oven ( 425*F) for15 minutes then lower the temperature to 350*f for another 15 minutes.