Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Big news for Laura and Tony's!

If you've been to Laura and Tony's Kitchen recently, you may have seen our awesome new rack cards! They look so great, we just had to thank our graphic designer, Darren Wotherspoon Design, for his fantastic work! We've been getting compliments on it ever since we got them, and we think they really capture the spirit of fresh food and fantastic environment that defines Laura and Tony's! Darren is a local artist who has gotten international recognition, and we could not be happier with the work he's done for us. Come in, check out his work, and try some of our fantastic buffet while you're at it! 

But that isn't all!  Hopefully by now you've heard our new radio ad. My niece Lauren makes an appearance, and we show that this family friendly restaurant has a fantastic atmosphere, great prices, and more food in our buffet than you could ever want! We had a ton of fun making it, and we hope you have just as much fun hearing it.