Friday, March 14, 2014

                             LAURA &TONY’S KITCHEN- ESTABLISHED 2004

   We are so excited to be celebrating 10 years of our “Amazing Breakfast Buffet”!

When we think back over the years, we both know that none of it would be possible if it wasn’t for the family, friends and wonderful staff( who became friends) helping us, who were able to understand and embrace our food philosophy and our desire to couple our Amazing food with incredible customer service!

We also know that without our wonderful customers who also love and embrace our unique ”Amazing Breakfast Buffet”, returning year after year and helping us grow by  spreading the  good word for this funky Mom & Pop establishment – we would not be celebrating this milestone.

To all of you a deep, heartfelt and sincere “THANK YOU”!

We are happy to announce we will be Reopening for the 2014 season on Saturday May 10, 2014- we hope to see you all there!


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