Monday, April 26, 2021

Top Secret Mexican Noodle Recipe

     Everyone always wants to know “ how” Tony makes his  legendary Mexican Noodles ...they definitely have a cult following -if you have tasted them,  then you know why.

   What you may not know , is that he keeps his recipe top secret. 

             For years we had several recipes written on the walls in our kitchen for easy reference for our staff to execute quickly - Pancake Mix, Scones, Biscuits, Bloody Mary Mix etc.  

 Tony began to write Mexican Noodles on the wall of recipes, the staff couldn’t believe it  ....turns out he was “ Just Kidding”- he’s not sharing ,lol!

 He is still not sharing his recipe,  but they will be available Laura & Tony’s Kitchen New Gourmet Market Cafe serving Gourmet All Day!

Eat in /take out -available hot ready to eat or chilled  ready to be baked as a  delicious side for your Summer BBQ!

                                                                Opening June 2021!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Honk, if you Love Laura & Tony's Kitchen !

Lately ,one of the nicest sounds we hear while we are working to wake up our restaurant after its winter slumber ,is the sound of folks honking as they pass by - welcoming us back and cheering us on !

This year, the honking somehow carries more meaning -when we look at the restaurant landscape that surrounds us and how it has changed in one year - we are feeling grateful and blessed to have another opportunity to do what we love - bringing Amazing Food to our Customers.

We are looking forward to debuting Laura & Tony's Kitchen  Gourmet Market Cafe with our made from scratch ,small batch cooking ......
serving Gourmet All Day!

Opening mid June 2021!

Please follow us on Instagram or Like us on Facebook to receive up to date information.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

        Homemade Croissants ...there really is nothing like a homemade croissant....unless it’s a warm, right from the oven,homemade croissant,dressed with our Local Cranberry Jam.

    We are looking forward to getting back in our kitchen and doing what we love most ...creating delicious food !  

We will ready to open in a little more than 2 months , a little later start than usual ..but it will be worth the wait ...we promise.

    Laura & Tony’s Kitchen Gourmet Market Cafe 

                        opening mid June 2021 !



Thursday, April 1, 2021

                                                   Spring is here!

          Although it is gray and rainy today , the beautiful weather we have been experiencing is energizing us to get in our restaurant and prepare to reopen for our 18th season !
   Our new mantra is ,  Big set back equals a bigger comeback ! We are busy working on renovating our dining room to transform it into our New Gourmet Market Cafe ! 
   We are looking forward to welcoming all of our customers who love us and also looking forward to creating new devotees with our Amazing Food , made from scratch , cooked in small batches!

                                       Same Amazing Food , Different Delivery!

             Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook for up to date info on our progress!