Monday, April 26, 2021

Top Secret Mexican Noodle Recipe

     Everyone always wants to know “ how” Tony makes his  legendary Mexican Noodles ...they definitely have a cult following -if you have tasted them,  then you know why.

   What you may not know , is that he keeps his recipe top secret. 

             For years we had several recipes written on the walls in our kitchen for easy reference for our staff to execute quickly - Pancake Mix, Scones, Biscuits, Bloody Mary Mix etc.  

 Tony began to write Mexican Noodles on the wall of recipes, the staff couldn’t believe it  ....turns out he was “ Just Kidding”- he’s not sharing ,lol!

 He is still not sharing his recipe,  but they will be available Laura & Tony’s Kitchen New Gourmet Market Cafe serving Gourmet All Day!

Eat in /take out -available hot ready to eat or chilled  ready to be baked as a  delicious side for your Summer BBQ!

                                                                Opening June 2021!

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