Friday, August 26, 2011

How Laura and Tony's Kitchen came to be….

        We were winding down another season at “ Aesop’s Tables “ and although we loved working at “Aesop’s”,  we always had a dream, like most chefs I know, about owning our own restaurant.
  Late, one afternoon in October, I was driving on Route 6 and I saw that the Art Deco building that  was formerly occupied  was finally available. I quickly  pulled over and called the landlord - we set up an appointment to meet the very next day.
        I convinced  Tony to join me, just to look, but  it was love at first site for both of us. We returned the next day and  quickly gave the landlord a deposit. We had been looking for years for a place of our own, and come very close to buying buildings in years past, but we had always had a feeling that it wasn’t quite right. With this building, neither one of us had any other feelings then this was the one , the funky building that would be perfect to showcase our food!!
   We were  lucky to have our good friend David Martin (who is very creative) to help us design the dining rooms, filling them with glorious color to reflect the spirit of our restaurant.  Dave also created a colorful mural on the wall for us that joins our two dinning rooms. It can even be seen through our vast windows from Route 6!
   As far as the name, we spent days (which felt like weeks) filling notebooks with all kinds of possibilities.  In the end we couldn’t agree on any of them; those who knew us, however, were already calling it Laura and Tony‘s! We settled on “ Laura & Tony’s Kitchen” because that’s what it is! It is OUR kitchen to express our creativity through our food and to nourish all who enter through our doors!!!


  1. Such a greatness place and we can't wait to get back there!! Thank you both for trying to accommodate those of us with dietary restrictions as well ❤️
